News You Can Use at the 50th Anniversary Celebration!

Hi All!

So excited for our 50th Anniversary Celebration this weekend! We'll enjoy stories and fond memories from past priests and rectors in this coming Friday email, beer, story, and holy song at the Hymn Sing on Saturday at 4:30PM (non-alcoholic beverages available, along with munchies!), and our Sunday service and luncheon with +Bishop Wright, starting at 10AM!


Parking will be in the parking lot closest to the Christian Education Building, in Athens Montessori parking lot, and on Sunday, overflow will be also in the Barnett Shoals Elementary School parking lot. A golf cart shuttle to and from the Barnett Shoals Elementary School parking lot to the church will be available. All events will be in the large tent in the parking lot closest to the parish hall. Chairs are provided, but if you have special seating needs, please feel free to bring your own lawn chair.


Casual, comfortable,'s church, but it's outside church in Georgia in early fall (meaning it's STILL hot.). Even with our two large outside fans, it may still be quite warm. Think 'picnic cute' so you can be as comfortable as possible in the heat. You may also want to have bug spray on hand as well.

If you have not yet registered and you plan to attend the service and luncheon on Sunday, please register no later than Thursday, September 9, 2021. Here is the link with which to do so: Registration.

Covid-19 Safety Precautions:

For the safety of all, we are asking that ALL people wear masks at both events, even when singing. The choir will be unmasked during anthems and solos, but otherwise will be wearing masks. (Masks of course can be off when one is actively eating or drinking, but afterwards, please immediately replace one's mask to cover the nose and mouth.) Please refrain from attending if you have a fever or otherwise feel ill and also if you know you've been exposed to someone with the virus.

While the Covid-19 Delta strain is a concern, especially for the unvaccinated or those otherwise without antibodies, and for the vaccinated who are immunocompromised or otherwise have comorbidities, there is a much lower level of risk (basically the same as when we ride in a car) for others who are vaccinated or who have had and recovered from the virus. Currently, as of yesterday, the 7-day average of cases for Athens-Clarke County is 85.7, which has been on a constant downward trajectory since August 28, at 101.1 cases per seven days.

Given all the factors listed above, what it boils down to is there is no one-size-fits-all decision for everyone as far as gatherings. We understand that there are those for whom in-person worship is not an option, and please know that pre-recorded services WILL NOT STOP until live-streaming is underway. Never will our congregation members at home not be included in worship. At home or in-person, we are all one church family. To that end, toward the end of next week, the 50th Anniversary Eucharist will be available on our YouTube Channel for viewing, so that everyone can share in the joy of what God has done and is doing at St. Gregory the Great.

Safety is the reason our regular services and our 50th Anniversary celebration are outside, chairs are spaced and all are asked to wear masks. Safety is the reason we ask that those who feel ill remain at home, and come some other time. Those factors alone reduce the risk of contracting the virus greatly. All available data, since the very beginning of the pandemic shows that it is quite difficult to contract the virus while one is outside, even with the Delta variant.

That said, what might be higher risk for someone who is vaccinated and has an immunosuppressive disorder may be a relatively low risk for others who are vaccinated with no other health concerns. We here at St. Gregory the Great support whatever decision needs to be made for the best health outcomes in your particular situation, and those with whom you are in contact. Please make whatever decision you feel you need to make, for you and your loved ones who are minors, in terms of attending church events.

Here are two articles from the New York Times and one from the Washington Post that may assist with decision making:

Whether here in person, or worshipping with us virtually, you are loved and you are family. Welcome Home!

Blessing and peace,
Mother Nikki+