Christian Education and Formation

Christian Education and Formation at St. Gregory’s comes in many forms and flavors, ranging from a small class that studies the Hebrew language to a drum circle to kick off our annual all-ages Vacation Bible School. There are opportunities for children and adults to learn and to grow in spirit, knowledge, and community.


The promises we make each time a person becomes a member of the church through baptism guide Children’s Ministries at St. Gregory’s. (See pp. 304-305 in the Book of Common Prayer for a refresher!) While the focus is on our youngest members, we recognize that we are one Body of Christ, all connected, and strive to strengthen our bonds through cross-generational programming. Our goal is for children to know God loves them, and desires for them to love themselves and others. For more information, click on the button below or contact Jenifer Marquardt.


Please watch the News and Events pages on this website, or sign up for the weekly newsletter to learn about activities and opportunities. All are welcome; you do not have to be a member of or even attend services at St. Gregory’s. Come and learn of God’s love and the ways that we can show it forth in the world!
For more information, contact Wade McGlamery, Director of Youth


Adult Education classes meet from 9:15-10:15 am on Sundays.

Adult Discussion Group: (Parish Hall)
The Adult Spiritual Formation Sunday morning Bible Study meets at 9:15AM in the Parish Hall. We are discussing the Gospel of Matthew, led by Wayne Coppins. Please join us! 

Lectionary Class: (Library) 
The lectionary class meets in the Library at 9:15AM. We study the assigned readings for each Sunday. Please contact Les House at 478-733-2939 or via email if you have any questions. 

Other Adult Spiritual Formation Opportunities:

Dream Group
St. Gregory's Dream Group is for beginners into dreamwork, but also for those who already know and experience this reality and need the support, encouragement and wisdom of the dream community. It is important for participants to already be doing their own inner work through reading about dreamwork and by keeping a regular dream journal. The group meets weekly on Wednesdays from 10AM-12PM, in the library in St. Gregory's Christian Education building. Call or email Lane Norton for more information before you come to your first meeting, 706-338-3071.

Men's Group
The Men's Group meets from 9:00 to 10:00 am Saturday mornings. We discuss topics of spiritual concern to men, drawing on such resources as C. S. Lewis, Henri Nouwen and Ronald Rolhiser. Please contact Peter Rice for more information about this group and a Zoom link to join the meeting.

Hebrew Reading Class
The focus is on reading a Hebrew passage aloud and then translating said passage into modern English. Since we started this group, we have read through Genesis, Exodus, many Psalms, and other passages. This group is meant to provide an opportunity for persons who have studied Elementary Hebrew to hone their skills through direct encounter with the Hebrew Bible. Hebrew Reading meets via Zoom on Wednesdays from 1-3PM. If you're interested, email Joel Hunt for more info!

Education for Ministry (EfM)
Education for Ministry (EfM) invites people into small, mentored communities that help us understand our lives and shape our actions as we deepen our Christian faith. We believe a gracious God calls us into relationship to serve the world. Through study, prayer, and theological reflection, EfM enables us to discover and exercise our gifts for the ministry where we live and work.
The five core practices of EfM are:

  • Living in Community

  • Regular Prayer and Worship

  • Theological Reflections

  • Study of Christian Tradition

  • Vocational Discernment

Contact person for EFM is RuthElizabeth Conine,