9:00 AM09:00

Parkinson's 5K Walk/Run

For the 10th consecutive year, Jack Armistead is chairing a committee to plan the annual 5K run/walk in support of Parkinson’s research through the Michael J. Fox Foundation. This is Jack’s last year as chair, and he hopes St. Gregory’s will support the 2025 race even more generously than in the past. Outpace Parkinson’s 10 will start at 9AM on Saturday, April 5th in Sandy Creek Park, Pavilion 1. Runners can choose either on-site or virtual participation.  To qualify for a T-shirt, they should register by midnight, March 21.  Late registration will be available as well. There will be a full slate of awards and plenty of refreshments and opportunities to socialize. Donations to the Parkinson’s research effort are also encouraged. Details about the race and links to registration and donations can be found at www.pdathens.com .

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5:30 PM17:30

Stations of the Cross

Join us in the sanctuary at 5:30 PM on Wednesdays during Lent (except for Ash Wednesday) for Stations of the Cross. The stations mark Jesus’ journey through the streets of Jerusalem from his arrest and trial to his crucifixion and burial. At each station, we pause for a brief reading and prayer.

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5:30 PM17:30

Stations of the Cross

Join us in the sanctuary at 5:30 PM on Wednesdays during Lent (except for Ash Wednesday) for Stations of the Cross. The stations mark Jesus’ journey through the streets of Jerusalem from his arrest and trial to his crucifixion and burial. At each station, we pause for a brief reading and prayer.

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12:45 PM12:45

POSTPONED: Parking Lot Repainting

Our Parking Lot Paving Event is postponed due to predicted severe weather on March 16. Stay tuned for a new date coming soon!

Tired of squinting to see the lines when you park your car at church? Come join members of the Blindspot on Sunday, March 16 to help repaint both of our parking lots. Bring your work clothes, and we'll bring the paint and rollers! We'll meet in the parish hall around 12:45pm (after Coffee Hour) to assign jobs and hand out tools. If you would like to make a donation to help offset the cost of supplies, please reach out to Clare Baeckeroot (clareamaret@gmail.com). If it rains or it's too cold, the inclement weather date for the workday will be the following Sunday, March 23.

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5:30 PM17:30

Stations of the Cross

Join us in the sanctuary at 5:30 PM on Wednesdays during Lent (except for Ash Wednesday) for Stations of the Cross. The stations mark Jesus’ journey through the streets of Jerusalem from his arrest and trial to his crucifixion and burial. At each station, we pause for a brief reading and prayer.

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6:00 PM18:00

Blindspot Dinner

Our Blindspot group is hosting a newcomers dinner here at St. G’s on March 8 @ 6PM for anyone who has been thinking about coming to a meeting, those that haven’t been to St Greg’s yet and want to know a few faces first, and our regulars that we just love to hang out with! 

Blindspot is St. Gregory’s 20s and 30s group, meeting on the last Thursday of each month at 6:30PM for dinner and a small group study (usually off-site of the church). We also meet at least once a month for game nights, dinner and drinks, movie nights, and more. Newcomers are always welcome! Contact Wade McGlamery, 770-624-4837 for more information.

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4:30 PM16:30

Mardi Gras/Capital Improvements Campaign Closing Celebration

RSVP via QR code or this link: https://forms.gle/Pv4TNxjHzyRDiLop9

St. Gregory Mardi Gras Celebration Auction Items

Note: payment is expected that night or early the next week   Payments may be made by check, cash, or credit card

Live Auction:  (note: most items will have a minimum bid)

  • Two Paintings by Philip Bates, brother of Ron Bates (value $200 each)

  • Two Handmade Wooden Serving Boards by B. Zavitz (value ~ $125 each) Car Detailing by Vince Mathis (2)  (value $75 each)

  • Reserve Balsamic Vinegar by Randall & Carolyn Abney (value $140)

  • Vintage Hitchcock Rocking Chair by R. Balthazor/J. Hudson (value $450) Found art sculpture by Gina M. Defalco (value $50)

  • Books & Activity Kit by Jenifer Borg & Vicky Tavernier (value PRICELESS)

  • 3-Book Poetry Set by Alice Mohor (value PRICELESS)

  • Rustic-framed oil painting by Jenifer Marquardt (value $200)

  • Dessert Trio by LeeAnne Krause  (value PRICELESS)

  • Dinner for 4 catered by Tim and Christina Dondero (value $300)

  • Sweet Heavenly Dove watercolor by Kate Avinger (value $100)

  • Artwork by Margaret Agner (values $100 - $175 each)

  • Two heirloom-quality handmade wooden boxes by Brad Hankins (values $90-$120)

  • Handcrafted Freshwater Pearl Pendant by Jim Norton (value $120) (new)

  • Maggie Sottero wedding dress, size 14.  Never worn, never altered, includes tiara, and veil. (value $1700)

  • Painting: St. Gregory the Great by Bruce Bowman (value $150)

  • Beginning Beekeeping with Jen Ingle (value $650) (new)

    Silent Auction:  (note: some items will have a minimum bid)

  • Various fine wines (value varies) donated by Roger Schwenke

  • Gift Certificate: 4 Tutoring Sessions for K-5 by Marlaine Barnes (value $80)

  • Various jigsaw puzzles by Mary Alguire (values $15-$20)

  • Set of three hummingbird photos by Elizabeth Hoffman (value $50)

  • Electric keyboard with accessories by Ellen Surrency (value $75)

  • Vintage Oster Toaster Oven by Ron Balthazor & Jane Hudson (value $40)

  • Vintage Kenmore Dehumidifier by Ron and Jane Hudson (value $25)

  • Frigidaire Countertop Microwave Oven by Ron and Jane (value $75)

  • Sparkling Wine Tasting Party by Barbara Kuhn (value $100)

  • Two Movie Night wine sets by Nancy Watson (value $25 - $27)

  • Two vintage lamps by Nancy Watson (value $75 each)

  • Vintage pedestal serving dishes by Nancy Watson (value $60 pair)

  • Vintage pair “Zaccagnini” vases by Nancy Watson (value $250 pair)

  • Vintage pair French porcelain cornucopia vases by Nancy Watson (value $250 pair)

  • Antique cast iron wall clock by Nancy Watson (value $120)

  • Various smaller home decor items by Nancy Watson (values $10 - $50)

  • Handpainted decorative dry erase board by Anna Thornton (value $30)

  • Handpainted three-peg shelf by Anna Thornton (value $40)

  • Men’s ECCO Off-Road Neubeck Hiking Sandals, never worn, US men’s size 8.5 - 9 by Roger Schwenke (value $100)

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12:00 PM12:00


Welcome to Room at the Table. Over-40, single, married, partnered, employed, free-wheeling, joy-loving...all are invited! If you want to take time and get to know more about me and other siblings from our church, over a good meal, if you want to share stories and laughter, join us for lunch! The group will decide on the restaurant for the following month, at each lunch fellowship. February’s lunch will take place on Friday, February 28 @ 12PM at Siri Thai Cuisine, 1040 Gaines School Rd., Athens, GA 30605. Please feel free to invite other St. Gregorians who may not see this notice…the more the merrier! If you think you can make it, let Kendall know.

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6:30 PM18:30

Ceilidh Service

St Gregory's offers a monthly Ceilidh service (pronounced kay-lee) on the 3rd Friday of the month. Based on a Gaelic tradition of celebrating community and hospitality, a folk liturgy complete with live folk music and a meal will be offered in the Christian Education building at 6:30PM. Foot washing and hand anointing will also be available before or after (not during) these services for anyone who wants to take part, starting at 6PM. Food will be provided, but we always accept more dishes to add to the table if anyone wishes to bring something! Any musicians that are interested in helping to provide the music for these services, as well as anyone with questions about the service, are encouraged to reach out to Wade McGlamery.

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4:00 PM16:00

Dress Rehearsal and Christmas Pageant!

For Christmas Eve, please be at the Christian Ed building at 4:00 to dress in costume and practice with the band in the Sanctuary. Please be on time so everyone can get prepared. Any last minute participants are welcome, we have parts for many possible angels, shepherds, sheep and other animals.

We hope you can join this joyful experience!

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12:15 PM12:15

Pageant Rehearsal

Sunday, 12/22, after the 10:30 service, practice with the Band of Believers. This includes a pizza lunch! Please RSVP by Saturday, 12/21, if you will be able to attend so we can plan for enough food. Text Kate Avinger (706) 461-1089, or email Jenifer Borg at jeniferaborg@gmail.com

Anyone is welcome even if you didn't RSVP, but you might want to bring a snack with you in case we run out of pizza.

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6:30 PM18:30

Ceilidh Service

St Gregory's offers a monthly Ceilidh service (pronounced kay-lee) on the 3rd Friday of the month. Based on a Gaelic tradition of celebrating community and hospitality, a folk liturgy complete with live folk music and a meal will be offered in the Christian Education building at 6:30PM. Foot washing and hand anointing will also be available before or after (not during) these services for anyone who wants to take part, starting at 6PM. Food will be provided, but we always accept more dishes to add to the table if anyone wishes to bring something! Any musicians that are interested in helping to provide the music for these services, as well as anyone with questions about the service, are encouraged to reach out to Wade McGlamery.

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6:00 PM18:00

Advent Program: Contemplation and Advent

On Wednesday evenings in December, Gene Ruffin will lead a program on contemplation and Advent (December 4, 11, 18). The program will reflect on Advent as an opportunity to be present in the moment rather than simply waiting for something to occur. Through the practice of stillness we are arrayed more deeply to the arrival of the season.  

We will have a simple supper at 6pm and the program will begin at 6:30pm.  

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5:30 PM17:30

Blue Christmas Service

To Those for Whom Christmas Hurts:  You are not alone. You are invited to our Blue Christmas Healing Eucharist. St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church invites you to a special holiday service of worship designed for those for whom the holidays might be difficult. This Eucharist will include laying on of hands and anointing for those who wish to receive this particular sacrament. And wherever you are in your faith journey, all are welcome to receive communion. If you have undergone a painful loss, transition, life change, or if life has simply been hard for a while, the church cares about you and invites you to a special time for healing and peace, on Wednesday, December 18 at 5:30PM. 

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6:00 PM18:00

Advent Program: Contemplation and Advent

On Wednesday evenings in December, Gene Ruffin will lead a program on contemplation and Advent (December 4, 11, 18). The program will reflect on Advent as an opportunity to be present in the moment rather than simply waiting for something to occur. Through the practice of stillness we are arrayed more deeply to the arrival of the season.  

We will have a simple supper at 6pm and the program will begin at 6:30pm.  

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6:00 PM18:00

Advent Program: Contemplation and Advent

On Wednesday evenings in December, Gene Ruffin will lead a program on contemplation and Advent (December 4, 11, 18). The program will reflect on Advent as an opportunity to be present in the moment rather than simply waiting for something to occur. Through the practice of stillness we are arrayed more deeply to the arrival of the season.  

We will have a simple supper at 6pm and the program will begin at 6:30pm.  

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6:30 PM18:30

Ceilidh Service

St Gregory's offers a monthly Ceilidh service (pronounced kay-lee) on the 3rd Friday of the month. Based on a Gaelic tradition of celebrating community and hospitality, a folk liturgy complete with live folk music and a meal will be offered in the Christian Education building at 6:30PM. Foot washing and hand anointing will also be available before or after (not during) these services for anyone who wants to take part, starting at 6PM. Food will be provided, but we always accept more dishes to add to the table if anyone wishes to bring something! Any musicians that are interested in helping to provide the music for these services, as well as anyone with questions about the service, are encouraged to reach out to Wade McGlamery.

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6:00 PM18:00

Blindspot Group

Blindspot Group Our 20s and 30s group meets on the last Thursday of each month at 6:30PM and the 2nd Sunday of each month at 6PM for dinner and a small group study (usually off-site of the church). We also meet at least once a month for game nights, dinner and drinks, movie nights, and more. Newcomers are always welcome! Contact Wade McGlamery, 770-624-4837 for more information.

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to Nov 6


You are invited to walk St. Gregory’s Labyrinth in the parish hall Friday, November 1 through Wednesday morning, November 6, in honor and remembrance of All Saint’s Day and All Soul’s Day. The labyrinth offers you the opportunity to “put feet on your prayers.” Experience a walking meditation that connects your mind, body and spirit. 

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5:30 PM17:30

Trunk or Treat!!

Make plans to join the St. Gregory’s family for a fun Halloween fellowship. This evening will consist of carved/painted pumpkins & trunk-or-treating! If it rains, we’ll move the trunk-or-treat inside. In Preparation: All Gregorians are encouraged to bring your Halloween treats of choice to distribute from your own car trunk in the parking lot. If you don’t have a trunk, we will give you an assigned space to hand out your goodies. Carve or paint your own pumpkin to bring for the pumpkin display. Invite your friends and neighbors!

If you do not plan on attending, but wish to contribute candy for the Trunk-or-Treat, you can drop off bags of candy in the copier room across from Kendall's office.

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to Nov 5

Altar of Remembrance and Memorial Garden

Rest eternal, grant unto them, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon them.

All Saint’s Day is the time in the liturgical year when we pause to celebrate the lives of those saints who have gone before us; loved ones who made us who we are today. Lane Norton has placed votive candles in our Memorial Garden, They will be there 10/29-11/5 for anyone who may like to come and light a candle in memory of someone. There are matches provided in a ziplock bag for you to use. Please remember to extinguish the candle(s) before you leave.

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6:30 PM18:30

Ceilidh Service

St Gregory's offers a monthly Ceilidh service (pronounced kay-lee) on the 3rd Friday of the month. Based on a Gaelic tradition of celebrating community and hospitality, a folk liturgy complete with live folk music and a meal will be offered in the Christian Education building at 6:30PM. Foot washing and hand anointing will also be available before or after (not during) these services for anyone who wants to take part, starting at 6PM. Food will be provided, but we always accept more dishes to add to the table if anyone wishes to bring something! Any musicians that are interested in helping to provide the music for these services, as well as anyone with questions about the service, are encouraged to reach out to Wade McGlamery.

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