Parkinson's 5K Walk/Run
For the 10th consecutive year, Jack Armistead is chairing a committee to plan the annual 5K run/walk in support of Parkinson’s research through the Michael J. Fox Foundation. This is Jack’s last year as chair, and he hopes St. Gregory’s will support the 2025 race even more generously than in the past. Outpace Parkinson’s 10 will start at 9AM on Saturday, April 5th in Sandy Creek Park, Pavilion 1. Runners can choose either on-site or virtual participation. To qualify for a T-shirt, they should register by midnight, March 21. Late registration will be available as well. There will be a full slate of awards and plenty of refreshments and opportunities to socialize. Donations to the Parkinson’s research effort are also encouraged. Details about the race and links to registration and donations can be found at .