LeeAnne Krause will be leading a class on the topic of the Seven Deadly Sins. We will be viewing clips from popular films, discussing the behaviors of the characters, and identifying which, if any, sins they are committing. Examining the behavior of fictitious characters is more objective and friendly than examining each other's behaviors. Don't worry, we won't be watching anything very racy or violent!
The Healing Service will begin at 5:30PM during Lent to accommodate those who wish to attend both that and the program. A simple supper will begin at 6PM. Please sign up for this program in the narthex or call Kendall, Parish Administrator, at the church office so that we know how many to expect for supper and/or if you need childcare.
Join us in the chapel each Wednesday during Lent (beginning March 4) around 6:45 immediately following supper. If you have additional questions, please contact LeeAnne.