If you wish to dedicate an Easter lily in honor/thanksgiving of someone living or in remembrance of someone deceased, please complete the yellow form found in the narthex and leave the form and your donation in the offering plate or in Kendall’s office. You may also email your dedication or call the church office. The suggested donation is $15/lily. The deadline is Sunday, April 10.
Lectionary Class Returns!
This Sunday, March 20, you are invited to a reboot of the beloved Lectionary Class, so faithfully led for so long by Kenneth Taylor until (and even after on Zoom) his recent move across Georgia.
As he has turned over the reins, we will begin again with a look at the Gospel of Luke, the primary source for our gospel readings this liturgical year C, and cover what is important to you in about two chapters each week.
Feel free to read ahead, bring your questions and your favorite Bible with you at 9:15AM in the Parish Hall. Discussions will be led by Ellen Richardson and Ron Balthazor, and hopefully later on by some of you who might like to pitch in and take the lead now and again.
Participation is at your comfort level, whether you like to jump right into the discussion or prefer to listen and learn. All are welcome!
Springtime Prayer - Lenten Spiritual Formation Program
The world is a bit weary, right now, isn’t it? Lent is the perfect time for reflection and spiritual examination, but it’s also almost springtime, a time for renewal and rebirth. This year’s Lenten class on Wednesday evening will attempt to combine the best of both Lenten reflection and springtime renewal, and focus on the art and practice of prayer.
The Springtime Prayer Class will meet every Wednesday during Lent (March 9 through April 6), to learn more about prayer: to taste-test a buffet of different prayer practices- to examine the intersection of prayer and sacred music; to explore sensory aids and try out different physical postures; to take time-honored practices such as Luther’s Four Strand meditation and Stations of the Cross out for a test drive, and to discuss the purpose and techniques for all of the above.
Please join this class, moderated by LeeAnne Krause, on Wednesdays during Lent, starting March 9, at 6:00 pm, in the Education Building. A light meal will be provided.
For more information, please contact Ellen Richardson, LeeAnne Krause, or Ron Balthazor.
Updates from Mother Nikki and the Regathering Committee
Yay! Blessings! The numbers are now low enough (the 7 day moving average is 10.6 new covid cases per 100,000 as of this past Thursday) that we can allow those who wish to attend service without masking and distancing to do just that. Yippee! Of course, those who wish to continue wearing a mask, due to their particular health concerns, may, of course, do so.
From the Regathering Committee
NEW COVID PROTOCOLS The Regathering Committee met on Tuesday, February 15 to consider Covid protocols moving forward in light of the dropping cases. As of February 20, we have foregone contact tracing. However, if you test Covid positive within 3 days of attending a church event, please let the church office know so that a general email can be sent out.
As of February 27, we have dropped social distancing and masks, due to the 7-day average of COVID cases dropping below 15 per 100,000 in Clarke County. Of course, ever and always, those who wish to continue to social distance and/or wear a mask are welcomed to do so!
In-Person Church Services!
You know how I sometimes say, "the buildings may be closed, but the church is open"? Well now, as of this Sunday, the church BUILDING is open too, whoo hoo!! That's right, this Sunday we will have in-person services of worship, Sunday Morning at 8:00am (without music) and 10:30am (with choir and hymns). Yay!! Y'all come!!
As of right now, it is still requested that masks be worn at both services, and covid contact cards will still need to be filled out by those present. The St. Gregory the Great Re-gathering Committee will be meeting this month to discuss changes to our safety guidelines as the virus spread becomes endemic rather than pandemic.
For those of you who are at home due to immuno-suppressive health concerns, and others who are otherwise unable to attend, livestream services will continue as usual on our YouTube channel.
peace and joy,
Mo. Nikki+
Important Message Regarding the Service on Sunday, January 2
Dearly Beloved,
It is with a heavy heart that I announce a precaution we need to take as far as in-person church on New Year’s weekend. Due to the drastic rise in the daily average of COVID-19 cases (from 4-5 per day in the beginning of December to 80+ per day now), we WILL NOT meet in person on January 2. We will simply livestream the 10:30AM service this coming Sunday. We will keep you posted on our meeting status for upcoming Sundays.
The regathering committee reviewed our safety protocols and we are now well-past the average of 50 new cases per day, which is our threshold for not meeting inside our buildings. We are hoping that, as with the last Covid-19 variant, that as fast as the numbers shoot up, they’ll come back down with equal speed, and we will be meeting again in person as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience and love as we continue to care for one another.
Blessings and peace,
Mother Nikki+
YouTube Channel for live-streaming, click here.
Instructions for viewing our livestream are here.