Strategic Plan Executive Summary 


The vision of St. Gregory the Great is to be a program-sized, culturally integrated parish, proclaiming and loving like Jesus with varied worship, music, and outdoor spaces.


In the Beginning:

  • September 2018: Rev. Nikki Mathis arrived as new Rector at St. Gregory the Great 

  • February 2019:  The Rector and Vestry agreed to focus on strategic planning as the year’s goal

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Focus Groups:

May 2019: The Vestry launched seven parish-wide focus groups to envision what we wanted our church to be like in 10 years. 

Vestry Visioning Retreat:

June 2019: The Rector and Vestry established three overarching vision statements based on focus group data:

  • St. Gregory’s takes care of the parishioners in all walks of life, through opportunities that nourish us spiritually, intellectually and emotionally as we walk together in the path of Christ.

  • St Gregory’s grows by becoming a multicultural and multigenerational church open and responsive to the needs of all.

  • St. Gregory’s goes out into the world by identifying, communicating, focusing, and directing our particular gifts and talents to help meet the needs of others.

Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT):

September 2019: The church leadership administered the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT) to gather quantitative data about our parish. From that we learned that the parish is ready for growth and change but anxious for more spiritual nurturing. 

Slogan Development: 

August 2019: The Right Bishop Rob Wright visited our parish for a Bible study. He looked at our strategic work and created a slogan that became our path to our future: Nourish, Grow, Go.

Vision Oversight Committee

  • October 2019: The Vestry established the Vision Oversight Committee charged with creating a road map for our future based on the strategic directions of Nourish, Grow and Go.

  • November 2019-June 2020: Subcommittees for Nourish, Grow and Go were assembled and developed strategic plan goals and actions and accountability measures.

  • August 2020: The Oversight Committee conducted Zoom listening sessions to gather feedback on draft strategic plan.

  • December 2020: The Vestry approved the strategic plan.

    The Visioning Oversight Committee extends special thanks to the Gregorians who helped craft the Strategic Plan.

Nourish to Grow


Strategic Focus Area: Spiritual Development in the Time of Covid-19
GOAL:  Expand virtual opportunities for spiritual growth.

Strategic Focus Area: Expansion of Spiritual Opportunities
GOAL: Expand the variety of spiritual formation programs to increase the variety of worship opportunities and to complement the usual Sunday offerings, especially to emphasize multicultural practices.
GOAL: Expand the variety of worship services to include worship opportunities beyond the usual Sunday offerings.

Strategic Focus Area: Cultural Openness
GOAL:  Use reflective conversation to explore our own racial and cultural biases. Parishioners should participate at their own comfort level.
GOAL: Offer more social groups and programs to address the diverse interests and needs of our community. Targeted programs should focus on such themes as faith and environmental sustainability; faith and the arts; faith and aging.
GOAL:  Incorporate multicultural practices into our worship and fellowship.
GOAL: Incorporate conversation about racial/cultural difference in Christian Education for young people.

Grow To Go

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Strategic Focus Area: Strengthen Programming for Children and Youth
GOAL: Develop a vibrant, long-lasting youth program with multi-generational components.
GOAL: Strengthen and expand children’s programs with a strong multi-generational focus.

Strategic Focus Area: Expansion of Food, Clothing, and Spiritual Support to the East Side of Athens and Neighboring Oglethorpe County
GOAL: Explore partnerships within Oglethorpe County to determine community needs.


Go to Grow

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Strategic Focus Area: Encourage Parishioners To Go Beyond Our Doors To Serve Children in Need
GOAL: St. Gregory the Great will partner with the Clarke County School District and Barnett Shoals Elementary School to offer students support to enhance their learning and well-being.

Strategic Focus Area: Using a Systematic Approach, Parishioners Provide Food and Other Support to Communities of People in Need.
GOAL: Partner with other churches and community groups to provide food and other support for adults and children in need.
GOAL: Use a systematic process to determine disbursements to agencies and organizations for adults and children in need of assistance.

Strategic Focus Area: Go Out into the LGBTQ Community To Welcome People of All Sexual Orientation into Our Spiritual Home
GOAL:  Partner with local LGBTQ communities in Athens-Clarke County so that all are aware of St. Gregory’s openness to all.
GOAL: Partner with national LGBTQ religious groups to create space for relationship with God beyond St. Gregory the Great.

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Growing Staff

Strategic Focus Area: Hiring the People To Do God’s Work
GOAL: Hire staff to meet the needs of a growing parish.

Growing Facilities

Strategic Focus Area: Capital Campaign
GOAL: Launch the Capital Campaign.