
Strategic Planning History

In the Beginning

September 2018: Rev. Nikki Mathis arrived as new Rector at St. Gregory the Great.

February 2019: The Rector and Vestry agreed to focus on strategic planning as the year’s goal.

Focus Groups

May 2019: The Vestry launched seven parish-wide focus groups to envision our church in ten years.


June 2019: The Rector and Vestry established three overarching vision statements based on focus group data.

  • St. Gregory’s cares for parishioners in all walks of life, through opportunities that nourish us spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally as we walk together in the path of Christ.

  • St. Gregory’s grows by becoming a multicultural and multigenerational church open and responsive to the needs of all.

  • St. Gregory’s reaches out to the world through identifying, communicating, and directing our particular gifts and talents to help meet the needs of others.


September 2019: The church leadership administered the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT) to gather quantitative data about our parish. From that data we learned that the parish is ready for growth and change and eager for additional spiritual nurturing.


August 2019: The Right Bishop Rob Wright visited our parish for a Bible study. After viewing our strategic work, he created a slogan that became the path to our future: Nourish, Grow, Go.


October 2019: The Vestry established the Vision Oversight Committee charged with creating a plan for our future based on the strategic directions of Nourish, Grow, Go.

November 2019-June 2020: Subcommittees for Nourish, Grow, Go assembled; they developed strategic plans, actions, and accountability measures for our Strategic Plan.

August 2020: The Oversight Committee conducted Zoom listening sessions to gather feedback on the draft Strategic Plan.

December 2020: The Vestry approved the Strategic Plan.

The Visioning Oversight Committee extends special thanks to the Gregorians who helped craft the Strategic Plan.