2025 Vestry
John Barrett, Jr. Warden
Anna Thornton, Clerk
Les House, Treasurer
View the Vestry minutes and Financial Reports here
About the Vestry
Our Vestry has 12 members who meet once a month. Our clerk keeps the minutes of each meeting, which are available to view for all parish members after they have been approved. Vestry meetings are open, so you are welcome to attend (but we do ask that you let us know about it ahead of time, as a courtesy). Each Vestry member also serves as a liaison to the various committees in the parish. Many church initiatives are generated by committees, then presented to the Vestry through the liaison.
Vestry members must be confirmed members of the Episcopal Church, financially contributing members of the parish, and regular attendees of the weekly service.
If you are a parish member and have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Senior Warden or Junior Warden, or a Vestry member.