Worship Online with St. Gregory’s

This page provides everything you need to join St. Gregory the Great in online worship,
including links to live-streamed services, bulletins, sermon podcasts, and other worship resources.

Until we are able to gather again in person at St. Gregory the Great, we will continue to broadcast Compline or Taizé at 7:30pm on Wednesdays, and Holy Eucharist at 10:30am on Sundays via our YouTube channel. 

Bulletins for each online service will be added before the service begins.

Special videos for children, presented by Catherine Drewry, are also on the YouTube channel. Go to the Videos section and search for “Storytime” to see all of the content available for children.

Videos of past live-streamed services are available on Facebook.

Sermon Podcasts from services that were not livestreamed or recorded, including archives for the past year.

Permission to podcast/stream the music in these services obtained from One License with license #A-732703

In light of the continuing concerns with COVID19 and recommended closures happening across the country, we have decided to cancel all in-person events at St. G's for the foreseeable future. This includes the Healing Services, Movie Night, Evening Prayer, meetings, Sunday school, all Sunday services, and anything else that would normally require your presence at church. Thank you for your understanding.