A Special Good-Bye to a Special Friend of St. Gregory's

It is with sadness that we notify the parish that Rev. Mike Freeman has decided to fully retire. He has served us many times in the past when we were without a rector. We will miss his practical sermons and his delightful personality. But, we understand. He needs to spend time with his friends and family.

As a special tribute to Fr. Mike for all he did for St. Gregorys during our difficult transition, we asked our artists to create cards. Each of you will have a chance to sign the cards and share your memories of Fr. Mike's contribution to our parish. Those cards will be out beginning September 15- September 22 in the Christian Education building.

Fr. Mike shepherded us through the tough times before Mo. Nikki arrived. He kept our spirits up and helped us prepare for the new beginnings ahead. We could never have managed to so successfully make the transition without him. He will be missed by many in our parish. We hope that he might make the drive from Gainesville some Sunday morning and join us in our worship.

Let him know how much he meant to us! Come sign the cards and leave Fr. Mike a special message.