Parish News

Save the Date for VBS

The True King, based on The Lion King, is the theme for this year's ALL ages Vacation Bible School, for infants to old folks, and everyone in between!  Nightly July 15 - 18, 5:30 pm - 7:45 pm.  A simple supper will be served at 5:30 each night, followed by great fun and fellowship.  The first night, Monday, July 15, will feature a special drum circle with Dr. Arvin Scott! Registration is now available on our church website.  Invite others!  Contact Catherine Drewry for more information, or to offer ideas or assistance.

Pentecost Picnic

It's Pentecost Picnic time!  Plan to join us on Sunday, June 9, for St. Gregory's annual picnic party.  The celebration will be held on our patio, or indoors if Mother Nature is not kind.  Parish Life will provide hot dogs and all the fixins, chips and drinks. Those attending are asked to bring an appropriate picnic dish to share, or a dessert.  As always, this will be a festive event with lots of decorations -- and a few surprises.  The picnic begins immediately following the 10:30AM service.  Expect those birds again!