Passing the Peace, but nothing else with it: a note from Mo. Nikki

There is no doubt that the Coronavirus has had serious and fatal consequences worldwide. Please pray especially for those in China, Italy, Iran, and South Korea, whose populations have been most affected by this pandemic. We have experienced losses in the US as well, with all almost all fatalities so far currently being from Washington state. Single digit cases have been reported in Georgia, and it is understandable that people will want to be more cautious, while maintaining the loving bonds of community.

If, in our church services, you feel uncomfortable at the peace about shaking hands or hugging, feel free to cross your arms over your chest, nodding your head in greeting and saying “peace be with you.” And while there is no means of avoiding contact when coming up for communion, feel free to ask for a blessing, or communion in one kind only, again, crossing your arms over your chest when the chalice comes to you. If, in the receiving line at the close of service, you don't want the rector to hug you (because otherwise, I will), again cross your arms over your chest, and I will refrain. 

Blessings and joy,
Mo. Nikki+