Zoom Meeting Opportunities

New parish community offerings via Zoom:

  • Stacie Court is hosting a weekly Zoom group, Let's Chat!, for women from the church.  The days and times sometimes vary, but it's very casual and anyone is welcome.  Everyone on the list is invited each week, and we all understand no one can do it every week.  Anyone interested in joining should email Stacie

  • Book Club first Friday of the month @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future. Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.

  • Lectionary Discussion Group via Zoom, every Thursday at 6:00pm beginning May 7th. Email Ken Taylor if you are interested in participating.

  • Threads of Prayer, every other Tuesday at 1PM (May 5 & 19). Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!

  • Men's Group: 9AM on Saturdays.  Email Peter Rice

    Other groups have been meeting via Zoom as well, so if you've got a group already meeting in Zoom rooms, and want to widen your circle, let Kendall know so we can get the word out there!