Sunday Evening Eucharist at St. Gregory’s


On Sunday evenings, August through May, we offer something a little different at our 6:00 p.m. service. These services are ideal if:

  • You’d like some variety in your worship beyond the standard Rite II service; or

  • You’re really not a morning person, but by the time evening rolls around you’re ready for a good worship service;

  • You’re interested in exploring other traditions or worship styles; or

  • You’d like a little more Jesus in your Sunday.

There’s a different type of service for each Sunday in the month. On the first Sunday, we go High Church, with incense, sanctus bells, Rite I Eucharist, and all the formal trappings. On the second Sunday, a Taizé service calms us down with a quiet, contemplative Eucharist based on chant and meditation. The third Sunday Eucharist features folk music, accompanied by some of the many talented instrumentalists from our parish. Things get lively again on the fourth Sunday, with a service featuring Gospel music and praise. In months when there is a fifth Sunday, we use the Eucharistic service from the New Zealand Prayer Book.

Come join us on Sunday evenings and discover a new worship experience!